I want to know if it possible to create some sort of template, in which if I create a page it will add other XYZ pages inside of it.
For instance, I want to create a PageProject so that page have 3 other sub pages:

I could do something like:
    ^ super defaultDocument
        add: (PRParagraph new
            add: (PRText content: '*Installation* *Wiki* *FAQ*');

But the problem is that those 3 pages aren't created, I have to click on each link and then accept to make them "alive".

So, here is my question:
Is there any way to create dynamically pages inside a newly page(the one I just had created)?

I'm working with VisualWorks, and therefore the Pier versions are probably quite old :(
Is somebody working on the port of the latest Pier version into VisualWorks?

Thanks in advance,
Lautaro Fernández
Luke LAut SkyFernadezWalker