> How can I convert from Pharo's encoding to Pier's one?
Pier has no encoding on its own. Encoding depends on what Seaside
server adaptor you are using.
I'm using this one. And the strings coming from Pier looks ok. And so the strings I enter manually (e.g. in Workspace) in Pharo do. But they (Pier's and Pharo's ones) are in different encodings actually and can not be compared. I think I have to convert Pharo's strings to Pier's encoding (I know the terms are not correct enough but I hope you'll get the idea)... For example, if I have Doctor instances entered using Pier, I want to find one with a particular name:
Doctor allInstances select: [:each | each title = 'some russian here' ] --- this never will work as actual titles are encoded differently than 'some russian here'... So I guess I have to use ('some russian here' convertToEncoding: 'the correct encoding') or something like that... But I don't know what exactly. I found decision in some earlier versions of Pharo/Pier combination... but it doesn't work anymore...