On Sep 2, 2009, at 9:40 PM, John McKeon wrote:

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Grimble Crumble <morph@growler.net> wrote:
On Sep 2, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Lukas Renggli wrote:

The basics on Pier are documented here: http://www.piercms.com/doc.

Let us know if you have further questions.

Thanks very much.  I'll try to make at least marginal sense.

I want to make a random change on the page, for no other reason than
to see that I can have some effect.  So, the way to do that is... Turn
on Halos, I think, and then... OK, in a halo there are icons for Class
Browser, Object Inspector, and CSS Style Editor.  And also a pair of
letters, R-ender and S-ource.  I can edit the behavior of classes, but
if I want to change the color of one of the text objects, how do I do
that?  If I want to change the text itself, how do I do that?

After you are logged in, commands show up on the bottom of the page. (Where the Login link was, NOT the halos toolbar)

Click "Edit" to edit the page.
Click "Remove" to remove it.
Click "Add" to add a sub-page or a file or one of the many components available.
Click "Edit design" to change the CSS or the layout of the page structure.
Play with it, don't be afraid. the thing to understand is that you are not really writing any seaside code at this point. You are managing content.

Sure, OK, that's exactly what I want to do.  I had to stumble a bit more, apparently.  I appreciate your patience.

Two questions.
 1. If I click the Class Browser button, then I *am* modifying code, right?  I mean, I can make changes to class behavior of, ... the Pier classes?

 2. When I clicked Edit, I could totally go to town on the "Welcome to Pier!" block of text.  I still haven't worked out how to affect the "What's new" block.


Hope this helped

Yes indeed.  Thanks.

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...