Either one should be fine. I guess you don't have any subinstances,
because PRComponent has no subclasses (unless you've created one) ;-)

oups, right... :)

so I tried and still the same... It's not specific to the login... also validating an edit makes the image crash..

maybe I did something bad...

to serialize:
|xmlString |
PRComponent allInstancesDo: [:ea | ea reset].
xmlString := (PRKernel instanceNamed: 'Wiki Viewty') sixxOn: (FileStream fileNamed: 'saveKernelViewty.xml')

to load:
PRKernel instances add: (Object readSixxFrom: (FileDirectory default readOnlyFileNamed: 'saveKernelViewty.xml'))

I put the image here if you have a moment ... (http://cdrick.free.fr/sq3.10-7159web08.01.1.zip)
