i work with Magritte2 on Pharo and GLASS.
The MAFileModel method:
renderOn: html
"Renders a download link of the receiver."
html anchor
title: (String streamContents: [ :stream |
stream nextPutAll: self filename; nextPutAll: ' ('.
stream nextPutAll: self filesize asFileSize; nextPutAll: ', '.
stream nextPutAll: self mimetype ; nextPut: $) ]);
url: self url;
with: self filename
erase the error:
MessageNotUnderstood 2010: No method was found for the selector <#'do:'> when sent to <aWAMimeType(image/jpeg)> with arguments contained in <anArray( aComplexBlock)>.
i change it with:
stream nextPutAll: self mimetype asString ;
Now it work fine, but i don't know if it is right solution.