Now the hard part ensuring the code works..
I merged in some code in PRPierFrame (package Pier-Seaside) which assumed that urls were strings not WAUrls. I've found another suspicious use in PREmbeddedRenderer>>visitExternalLink, but there might be more. 
I've re-added a couple of methods, so that I could successfully render the first page which had been removed from the pier2 repository; PRPierFrame>>dispatcher & PRPierFrame>>invalidDispatcher.
The opening page now appears, however clicking on a link results in a MNU 'receiver of context is nil' from the call 'PRCurrentContext value: self' in
^ WAActionCallback on: [
PRCurrentContext value: self.
(self command isView and: [ self command viewComponent isFullResponse ])
ifTrue: [ self command viewComponent handle: self requestContext ] ]

I can see that the code results in an exception being called which returns nil from the signal method, at which stage I'm lost...

2010/1/7 Nick Ager <>
I've saved the merged packages into pier2 and magritte2. When I merged magritte I updated Magritte-Tests (the super package?) as well as Magritte-Tests-Model. For pier I only updated Pier-Tests-Model *not* Pier-Tests, but it makes sense to me to update Pier-Tests as well. Should I.

I'll now try to loading all into a clean seaside 3.0a5 image.

2010/1/7 Lukas Renggli <>

> [...]

I guess Julian has to comment on that, but to me it sounds good :-)

> What's the purpose of the Magritte-Model, Magritte-Seaside and Magritte-Tests
> packages in the pier2 repository? I used the packages in the magritte2 repository.
> Hope that was the plan.

@Julian: Should these versions be moved or deleted?

> I'm about the save the merged code, but when I try I get an Error: HTTP1.1
> 401 Unauthorized

Accidentally the Magritte repository didn't had public write
permissions. I changed that.


Lukas Renggli
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...