Hi Mariano,

That GoogleStaticMaps was a quick and dirty component to allow a Pier to have a "we are here" map on a page. Paltry at best and no comparison to the work of James Foster. That package *is* quite good, a full blown implementation of the Google maps *javascript* api. But I could not get them to work on a Pier page. So I threw together what I could get to work using the GoogleStaticMaps package from squeaksource.

In theory, one should be able to add any Seaside component to a Pier page only requiring you to implement canBeRoot on the class to return true. It will then show up in the list of components that can be added to a page. I have done this with several components. I have not been able to get the GMComponent based maps to work.... Firebug gives me 1 error with google is not defined (in google.load("map", "2")) so it may be script loading sequence or something along those lines.


On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck@gmail.com> wrote:

John McKeon:  how difficult do you think could be to adapt your Google Maps addon to the James Foster work ? He did a very good work.

Other than the above method, it would take some work.



On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck@gmail.com> wrote:
James: sorry for cc'ing you, I don't know if you are in this mailing list.

I need to integrate google maps in my webapp and I found VERY useful what you did here: http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/GoogleMaps

A really excellent job. Actually what I need is exactly the example "Interacting With the Map".

Now, the question is, do you have in mind to do a Pier component for this ? This would be greate!

On the other hand, I saw the GoogleMaps addon for Pier but it is quite limited for what I need. That addon is only for static maps. I need the final user be able to zoom in, out, move, change to road to satellite, etc...

Thanks for the help!


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
