
I'm making right now some templates for pier, and I can't to decide to use Blueprint or TwitterBootstrap :(
Pier templates for blog currently use Blueprint, but I guess that Bootstrap is the better choise for make something from cero (like me).

Any comment/thought is welcome :). Thanks in advance.

2012/3/23 Nick Ager <nick.ager@gmail.com>
Hi Jan,

I extended the code a little with a subclass of MAReport so you can use Bootstrap to style your tables/reports. Including the pagination controls.

Thanks that's a fantastic addition. I've updated http://twitterbootstrap.seasidehosting.st/

I am working on a web application that is based on jQueryUI and the Blueprint CSS Framework. Perhaps I can replace Blueprint with Bootstrap. It seems that Bootstrap has a lot more to offer than Blueprint. I think I will still need jQueryUI for the datepicker and dialog controls.

Bootstrap supports dialogs - which it calls modals -> http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#modals
Last time I looked they were not as functional JQueryUI dialogs though bootstrap is developing so quickly that if it doesn't do what you need now, it could soon...

BTW: I integrated the JQueryUI date picker with Magritte - see MAJQDateInputComponent in Magritte-JQuery of http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte3addons



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