I have a default Magritte edit form for a model that maintains a relation to a single instance of GeoLocation, a model object with two instance variables: longitude and latitude. The relation is defined as a MAToOneRelationDescription.

On the form, the instance of GeoLocation is displayed as the integer of the longitude attribute, however I want a representation like:

lon: 12.67, lat: 34.09

I looked at MAToOneRelationDescription and its superclass MAElementDescription implements a #display: method which either accepts a symbol or a block to customize the display. I've implemented a #printString method with GeoLocation and passed that to the relation description as:

display: #printString


display: [ :anObject | ^ anObject printString ]

But as far as I can tell both the symbol and the block get ignored when displaying the GeoLocation instance in the Magritte form.

What should I change to get the required display?

