Hi, Lukas

>> In WAComponent subclass i have the method:
>> renderAddOn: html
>> html form:[
>>                 html textInput callback:[ :value| self add: value].
>>                 html submitButtton text:'add'].
>> Now i can render the textInput based on specific descriptionKey ?
> I don't quite understand what you intend to do with the textInput field.

In other words:
 renderAddOn: html
 html form:[
               anMAReferenceModel descriptionKey ....................as ????  changeAccesor ???

                html submitButtton text:'add'].
where anMAReferenceModel is one specific classModel for example:
    MANazionalityModel with specific descriptionKey ->  MAStringDescription new ........ label: 'Nazionaliry name'; ..........
or MAPhoneModel with specific descriptionKey  -> MANumberDescription new  ............label: 'Phone number'; ..... beInteger............
or MA .....  Model  with specific descriptionKey  -> ........
With this reference i think to have the input set to   relative descriptionKey.
I'm clear ?
It's possibol ?
