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Well, I think I at least figured out how to implement it. My issue was how to detect whether a given description is a regular one, or an adaptive one, in the implementation of #readUsing:. However, I then remembered that PRComponent already needs to do this, and so I looked at it’s code. It does (self basicMagritteDescription includes: aDescription) That still leaves the question though, does this trait version of MAAdaptiveModel exist?On 11 Sep 2016, at 19:19, Tapple Gao <tapplek@gmail.com> wrote: Quoting from http://sdmeta.gforge.inria.fr/Teaching/Lille/0910-MetaModelisation/07-08-Cours43-DescribedBy-Reng07aMagritte.pdf section 4.1: The Adaptive- Model has two instance variables, the first being used to refer to the descriptions of the instance and the other one to keep a list of the actual values of the model. Transforming the class of the adaptive model into a Trait [18] allows us turn any existing class into an adaptive model and to combine the descriptions defined in the class with the ones provided by the instance. I cannot find this trait. Does it exist in magritte? I see MAAdaptiveModel, but I am indeed trying to add adaptivity to a class, and am struggling with it_______________________________________________ Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ... https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/smallwiki