Dear all,

to those I have not seen or chatted with yet: Happy new year!

Please notice the invitation below, the talks are open for everybody who is interested.


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Invitation: Mini-Symposium on Software Engineering Research – January 10th
Datum: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 11:24:38 +0100
Von: Alberto Bacchelli <>
An: SoSy Mailing List <>, April Wang <>, Salvaneschi, Guido <>, Gabriele Bavota <>, Carlo A. Furia <>, Timo Kehrer <>
Kopie (CC): Bogdan Vasilescu <>, Thomas D Latoza <>, Maurício Aniche <>

Dear all,

I am delighted to invite you to a mini-symposium featuring talks by three outstanding researchers in software engineering. This event will be on the morning of **this Friday, January 10th**, 2025, in Room 2.A.10, of the BIN building (Binzmühlestrasse 14) at the University of Zurich.

The mini-symposium is part of the events surrounding the PhD defense of Pavlína Wurzel Gonçalves. It is an excellent opportunity to hear about the speakers' latest research and engage in discussions with the speakers and other participants.

- 09:00–09:30, Arrival and Welcome
- 09:30–10:30, Prof. Dr. Bogdan Vasilescu, The Strength of Weak Ties in Open-Source Software Development Networks
- 10:30–11:30, Dr. Mauricio Aniche, Test Selection at Adyen: saving time and resources
- 11:30–12:30, Prof. Dr. Thomas LaToza, Sharing Programming Expertise

We welcome all software engineering researchers and enthusiasts to join us for this exciting event. Feel free to extend this invitation to any interested people. Attached to this email, you find more information about the talks and speakers.

Please respond to this email to confirm your attendance and let me know how many people will be joining you, so I can ensure we have enough coffee and refreshments for everyone in the morning.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Warm regards,