Dear all


FYI: These are the rooms that are available during the timeslots:


Best regards




From: Timo Kehrer <>
Date: Thursday, 21 November 2024 at 10:43
To: <>
Subject: [SEG-staff] Seminar Presentations in December

Dear all,

the end of the semester is getting closer and some seminar projects
maybe already in a state where the results can be presented by mid/end
of December.

We will have the first seminar presentation slots on
- Dec. 17 (before 12:00 and after 16:00)
- Dec. 18 (before 14:00)

Please talk to your supervised students whether they want to present in
these slots (20 min talk + 10 min discussion).

For those who will not manage to finish their seminar work until
December (which is totally fine), we will have further slots in January
and early February (dates to be fixed).
