Hi everybody
As part of the
15th Action Week against Racism of the City of Bern, I
organized three workshops on the topic of racism and
racist hate speech in university context.
Two workshops are
aimed specifically at students and university
lecturers and staff members of Colour and those who
experienced racism. In this
empowerment-workshops, a safer and braver space will
be created in which experiences and concerns as well
as perspectives and visions for a racism-free
university will be exchanged and developed. We will
empower each other and work together to develop
strategies for overcoming experiences of racism and
racist hate speech. These workshops for students and
staff members will be held in English.
The third workshop
is open to all members of the university and serves as
a space for reflection on the topics of individual,
structural and institutional racism and exclusion in
education. We will reflect on often unconscious
discriminatory and racist mechanisms and develop
possible courses of action. This workshop will be held
in German.
I would be
grateful if you could help promote the workshops
through all possible channels and display the flyers
in your offices. It would also be great if you could
directly refer students and employees who experience
racism to the empowerment workshops. And I hope to see
some of you at the empowerment workshop on March 20 or
Thank you very
much for spreading the word!
Best regards
Gina Vega (sie)
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Vizerektorat Qualität und
Nachhaltige Entwicklung
Abteilung für Chancengleichheit
Universität Bern
Hochschulstrasse 6
3012 Bern, Schweiz
Tel. +41 31 684 32 43