10th Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution
(SATToSE 2017)
June 7 - June 9, 2017, Madrid, Spain

*** Call for Participation ***

Early Bird Registration deadline: 15th May, 2017 (AoE)


SATToSE is the Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution. The goal of SATToSE is to gather both undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their research, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills.

The exciting program of SATToSE 2017 includes, in addition to the 25 submission accepted by the Programme Committee:

  * Two inspiring Keynotes by Serge Demeyer and Joost Visser
  * A tutorial on Pandas by Felipe Ortega
  * A hackathon by Felienne Hermans

  * A (free) co-located event on Tuesday June 6th: a seminar on "writing up & moving on" and "commercializing research" with 5 renowned speakers

  * A visit to the Prado museum (Tuesday June 6th)
  * A tourist visit of Madrid (Wednesday June 7th)
  * An unforgettable social event (Thursday June 8th)
  * A hiking-cultural-gastronomical trip to UNESCO awarded El Escorial (Saturday June 10th)
  * Attendance to the Real Madrid - Roma Legends match (Sunday June 11th)


Find us on the web: http://sattose.org/2017
Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/sattose

Gregorio Robles
SATToSE 2017 General Chair

Gregorio Robles
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Campus de Fuenlabrada (Madrid), España
Teléfono: +34 91 488 87 50
gregorio.robles@urjc.es | www.urjc.es | @URJC |