I tend to disagree, because sattose did not really have a call for publication, but rather a call for presentation. The call for papers explicitly mentioned two types of contributions, for the second type of contribution the authors usually either do not have the copyright to allow publication in another venue (in this case sattose), or cannot make the paper available since this would infringe the "double submission" policy. Making it public before it is accepted to a conference or journal may lead to a rejection for that conference or journal.
  • Work in Progress: Early ideas and achievements that you want to share with the community and get feedback on.
  • Publication Summary: Overview of research results already published or ready to be submitted to a conference or a journal.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Stéphane Ducasse" <stephane.ducasse@inria.fr>
To: "Oscar Nierstrasz" <oscar@inf.unibe.ch>
Cc: "sattose@list.inf.unibe.ch" <sattose@list.inf.unibe.ch>
Subject: [SATToSE] Re: SATToSE 2018 papers not online
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2018 01:34

I agree with Oscar. 


On 18 Aug 2018, at 00:41, Oscar Nierstrasz <oscar@inf.unibe.ch> wrote:

Ok, this is just wrong. 

If someone submits a paper for publication, that means it should be publicly available. I really insist that all presented papers be made available. 


Prof. Dr. O. Nierstrasz    -- oscar@inf.unibe.ch
Software Composition Group -- http://scg.unibe.ch
University of Bern         -- Tel +41 31 631 4618

On 17 Aug 2018, at 22:54, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:

Hello Oscar,

At first, I wished to have all paper online. However, several authors did not want to make their paper public. I therefore run a poll, and here are results:

<Screenshot 2018-08-17 17.52.41.png>

Only a small portion wanted to have their paper online, unfortunately.

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

On Aug 17, 2018, at 7:55 AM, Oscar Nierstrasz <oscar@inf.unibe.ch> wrote:

Hi folks,

Does anyone know why many of the SATToSE papers from this year are not online?


Prof. Dr. O. Nierstrasz    -- oscar@inf.unibe.ch
Software Composition Group -- http://scg.unibe.ch
University of Bern         -- Tel +41 31 631 4618

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