                                   CALL FOR PAPER                                  
               1st Workshop on Life with Wearables in Smart Rooms (LIFEWEAR2018)       
                      Website: http://st.inf.tu-dresden.de/LIFEWEAR-2018                   
 In conjunction with the Smart System Integration Conference 2018 in Dresden, April 11, 2018

With the advent of standard sensor-actuator platforms for wearable devices, such smart watches (e.g., Apple Watch), smartglasses (e.g., Microsoft Hololens), smart clothing (e.g., data gloves), exoskeletons, and many more, people carry multiple devices simultaneously. This trend imposes completely new challenges to software engineers w.r.t. adaptivity, distribution, interaction, system integration, data handling, resiliency, security, software architectures and software evolution.

In our understanding, future wearable systems will be highly dynamic w.r.t. a) the involved hardware components, as the user can change the components freely and independently b) the context, as it can be decided to change or switch the use case or the technological environment, and c) the software, as also the applications evolve quickly and the underlying software systems for the wearables require technologies for continuous adaptions and updates.

Software engineering helps to design and develop complex systems by automating the development process concentrating on different levels of abstraction. Model-driven techniques must be established to improve the quality (e.g., re-usability, reliability, maintainability) of the developed wearable systems.

Because hardware and software interact tightly, new skills and processes are required when designing and implementing solutions based on wearable devices. In addition, the integration of wearable devices with other smart devices installed in the environment (e.g., sensors in a room) requires that the system architecture is highly dynamic. Therefore, there is a need for a new paradigm of software and system development for wearables in smart rooms, based on sensor nets, fog, and edge computing. This trend suggests establishing a new joint community of researchers from sensor nets and software engineering.

The LIFEWEAR workshop aims to bring together researchers and practioneers from the communities interested in wearables, to present current approaches w.r.t. software engineering of wearable devices, gather requirements for future wearable systems and develop a roadmap for software enginnering for wearables.

This includes the following research areas
■ Model-driven software development for wearable systems
■ Innovative interaction approaches of humans with wearables
■ Interactions of wearables with machines (e.g., robots)
■ End-user application development
■ Embedding of wearables into a fog or edge of a smart room
■ Sensor data analytics and data aggregation
■ Technical approaches to ensure data security and privacy
■ Total cost of ownership of wearable systems

Submission Deadline - January 28th, 2018
Notification - February 11th, 2018
Camera Ready - March 11th, 2018
Workshop - April 12th, 2018

Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lifewear2018). Submitted papers must conform to the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Submissions to the workshop are possible in two categories:
■ Regular Papers schould describe original work on a problem or solution w.r.t the described topics of interest on up to fifteen pages.
■ Interested workshop participants will have to submit a position paper (two to four pages) containing a description of the area of research,
specifc work on the workshop topic, and the innovative character of the research.

The accepted papers will be digitally published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Karsten Wendt, Technische Universität Dresden
Uwe Aßmann, Technische Universität Dresden
Maria Piechnick, Technische Universität Dresden

For more Information please visit http://st.inf.tu-dresden.de/LIFEWEAR-2018/