[Apologies for multiple postings]
It is our pleasure to invite you to submit your contribution to
ME 2018, the 12th Int. Workshop on Models and Evolution @ACM/IEEE
MODELS 2018.
The paper submission deadline is July 17, 2018.
For more information:
Kind regards,
Alf, Dalila, and Ludovico
CALL FOR PAPERS: 12th Intl Workshop on Models and
Evolution (ME 2018)
Co-located with the ACM/IEEE 21st International
Conference on Model Driven
Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2018)
October 14-19, 2018 — Copenhagen, Denmark
Software artefacts constantly increase in complexity,
variety and novelty.
Environment and business constraints, user
requirements and new insights put
additional pressure on their adaptability,
availability, reliability and
quality: they continuously need to be up to date. But
evolution issues are
critical, complex and costly to manage. They concern
architecture, design, source code, documentation,
integration or deployment.
They also typically affect various kinds of models
(data, behavioral, domain,
source code or goal models). Addressing and managing
these varieties of
changes is essential. Models and meta-models, the
cornerstone of complex
software systems’ abstractions, represent a powerful
mean for facing software
evolution challenges by ensuring a more abstract and
expressive modeling of
software evolution. They can help and guide software
evolution and can enforce
and reduce critical risks and important involved
resources. The workshop puts
the focus on Models and Evolution by considering two
main sides: (1) Managing
software evolution needs by relying on the high- level
abstraction power of
models and meta-models; (2) Managing model and
metamodel evolution needs and
the co-evolution of all related software artefacts by
putting attention to
their increasing evolution issues as they become
primary artefacts.
ME 2018 will bring together researchers and
practitioners to share experiences
in dealing with the various forms of models and
evolution. It combines a
strong practical focus with theoretical approaches as
required in any
discipline to support engineering practices. ME 2018
targets researchers and
practitioners on model-driven engineering to meet,
disseminate and exchange
ideas, identify the key issues related to the problem
of models and evolution
and explore possible solutions and future work.
Contributions are solicited on all aspects of models
and evolution, its
foundations, practices and technologies. In
particular, we encourage
submissions from both academia and industry about the
following (non-
exhaustive) list of topics:
– Formalisms,
theories, formal approaches, methods and languages for
and understanding model-driven software evolution
– Supporting
processes and tools for managing model-driven software evolution
– (Co-)evolution
and (co-)adaptation of models, meta-models and modeling
classification of (co-)evolution scenarios
– Conformance
checking, inconsistency management, synchronization,
comparison, impact analysis of evolving models
– Transformation
techniques for evolving models: restructuring, refactoring,
translation, composition, versioning, etc.
– Maintenance
and evolution of domain-specific languages Maintenance and
of model transformations
– Traceability
maintenance, verification, and validation of evolving models,
model transformations, and evolving modeling languages; runtime
– Analysis
of model maintainability
– Variability
management using models
– Model-driven
software architecture recovery, reverse architecting,
migration and software release engineering
– Model-based
and model-related techniques for legacy systems evolution and
– Reusable
evolution solutions and patterns
– Evolution
issues in new and emerging systems and paradigms (e.g., cyber-
systems, systems of systems, systems engineering, Internet of
computing, etc)
– Training,
education, and certification around software evolution
– State-of-the-art
and state-of-practice in software evolution Empirical
industrial needs, experience reports and experiments in software
– Tools
and methods supporting all of the above topics
We solicit papers of the following types:
1. Research papers (max. 10 pages) providing novel
contributions on topics of
the workshop presenting novel ideas, addressing
challenging problems, or
making practical contributions.
2. Position papers (max. 6 pages):
a. Work in progress papers presenting early work
and preliminary research
results of young researchers in topics related to
the workshop.
b. Visionary papers proposing visionary and
strategic ideas and/or looking
for collaborations around international projects.
c. Industrial experience papers reporting about
experiences in the area of
models and evolution, novel industrial tools, and
positions from industry
about experience and/or case studies about managing
or putting into
practice model-driven software evolution solutions
are highly appreciated.
3. Tool presentations (max. 6 pages) presenting
(experience with) tools (which
may be either research prototypes or commercial tools)
that are
fully/partially dedicated to supporting the
model-based software evolution and
evolution issues encountered in model-based
Contributions must be written in English, adhere to
the ACM SIGS format, and
be submitted through EasyChair at
All submissions must be original work and must not
have been previously
published or being under review elsewhere. For each
accepted paper, at least
one of the authors must register for the workshop,
participate fully in the
workshop, and present the paper at the workshop.
Accepted workshop papers will
be published on CEUR-WS.
– Paper submission: July 17, 2018
– Notification to authors: August 17, 2018
– Camera ready version: August 21, 2018
– Workshop date: October 16, 2018
Ludovico Iovino, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy
Alfonso Pierantonio, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Dalila Tamzalit, Universitè de Nantes, France
Dalila Tamzalit
LS2N(*) / IUT de Nantes (**)
Équipe NaoMod
Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (LS2N) - CNRS UMR 6004,
2 Chemin de la Houssinière
44300 Nantes
Tel : (33) 2-51-12-57-80
Fax : (33) 2-51-12-58-12
IUT de Nantes - Département Informatique
3, rue du Maréchal Joffre
BP 34103 - 44 041 Nantes cedex 1 - FRANCE
tél : (33) 2 40 30 60 57
fax : (33) 2 40 30 60 47