Hello software evolution afficionados!

You probably already noticed that our annual BENEVOL seminar is back in town! Check out the website on benevol2022.github.io and the @BenevolWorkshop twitter account for the latest updates. Submission deadline is 15 June 2022.

After having consulted the informal steering committee, we decided to move BENEVOL much earlier than usual, on 12-13 september already rather than the usual late november-early december... This decision was motivated by our desire to meet in live, and this is much more likely to happen in september than in november. (Remember that last year the live benevol had to be converted into a virtual one last minute due to incread corona restrictions.)

We realise that this implies that the submission deadline is much earlier than usual, but on  the other hand, the submission requirements are lightweight. You can submit short papers of work in progress (that can be published in the benevol postproceedings in CEUR), or even decide to submit a presentation abstract of some work that you have submitted or published elsewhere recently (in a conference or journal) and that you would like to share with, and get feedback from, our local software community. I am sure that you have something up your sleeve that would be of interest to our community!

And I almost forgot to mention that we have a great team of PC chairs, Eleni Constantinou and Mairieli Wessel that will take care of the technical programme. PhD students Natarajan and Pooya are helping out with the website and social media.

Contact anyone of us if you should have more comments about the event.

Tom Mens