OK — let us shift it to the morning (9am).
> Am 13.02.2025 um 14:59 schrieb Fankhauser, Benjamin Noah (INF) <benjamin.fankhauser(a)unibe.ch>:
> Hi,
> I have two meetings from 13:00 to 14:00 and 15:00 to 16:00. Can we do yours from 14:00 to 15:00?
> best
> Benjamin
> On 2/13/25 14:41, Riesen, Kaspar (INF) wrote:
>> Dear all
>> We need to schedule a meeting next week — I propose to meet next Tuesday from 2.30-3.30 in our meeting room.
>> Are all available (it is important that all of you can attend)?
>> Regards, Kaspar
Dear all
We need to schedule a meeting next week — I propose to meet next Tuesday from 2.30-3.30 in our meeting room.
Are all available (it is important that all of you can attend)?
Regards, Kaspar
Friendly reminder to confirm the date of your presentation.
Thanks, Kaspar
Am 30.01.2025 um 09:57 schrieb Jafari, Fereshteh (INF) <fereshteh.jafari(a)unibe.ch>:
Hello Kaspar,
It works for me, Thanks.
Have a nice day!
From: Riesen, Kaspar (INF) <kaspar.riesen(a)unibe.ch>
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2025 8:57 AM
To: prg-staff(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
Subject: [PRG-staff] Re: Spring Seminar
Good morning.
We have to change the slots of Kalvin and Feresteh (see below).
Please send me an „ok“ if your time slot fits.
Regards, Kaspar
Am 29.01.2025 um 16:33 schrieb Riesen, Kaspar (INF) <kaspar.riesen(a)unibe.ch<mailto:kaspar.riesen@unibe.ch>>:
Dear all
Please mark in your calendar the following dates for the PRG seminar and prepare an appealing presentation for the BSc/MSc students (~30’):
Talk 1: Benjamin
Talk 2: Francesco
Talk 1: Fereshteh
Talk 2: Corina
Talk 1: Anthony
Talk 2: Kalvin
The seminar is located in room 111 in building E8 (the building opposite).
From April 30 until May 25, student presentations will take place every week (5 slots). Please reserve these dates as well.
Regards, Kaspar
PD Dr. Kaspar Riesen
Head of the Pattern Recognition Group
Institute of Computer Science
Faculty of Science
University of Bern, Switzerland