Well it definitely seems like the drawing of text for ROLabel is what is slowing things down.  I thought it wouldn't be too hard to make a simple/naive caching ROLabel for my own purposes but the results are a bit ambiguous and disappointing.  I'll drop this for now but just present what I did in case anyone has thoughts on a way forward later.

First I put a 'self haltOnce' in ROLabel>>drawOn:for:  Then executed the following...
view := ROView new.
view add: (ROElement on: '1') + ROLabel.
view open
so that in the debugger I had access to a valid aCanvas and aROElement.  Then in the debugger bottom-right pane (what would you call this one?) I executed the following code....
Smalltalk garbageCollect.
MessageTally spyOn:
[     | tmpCanvas tmpElement tmpLabel |
    tmpCanvas := aCanvas.         ""from the debugger context so as to not look up the variable each loop""
    tmpElement := aROElement.   "from the debugger context so as to not look up the variable each loop"
    tmpLabel := ROLabel new.    "or ROCachedLabel new"
    10000 timesRepeat: [ tmpLabel drawOn: tmpCanvas for: tmpElement ]
against both of the methods #ROLabel and #ROCachedLabel listed below, with the tally results for each at the bottom of this post.
Some observations...
1. 55% was spent in #heightOfString primitives, 30% in canvas>>drawString pimitives, 8% by #topleft.
2. Assuming static text, ROCachedLabel eliminates #heightOfString from the loop - but ROLabel took 4753 msec and ROCachedLabel still took 4546.  I was really surprised at the lack of improvement after taking #heightOfString out of the loop.
3. I believe (at the moment) that #position and #topLeft are equivalent, and changed this for a simple 8% gain.
4. ROPharoCanvas>>drawString:at:color: remained fairly constant (~32%). 
5. Suddenly for ROCachedLabel the '+' message has sucked up all the 66% previously spent in #heightOfString and #topleft  !!!! Why ?  ROLabel must have been doing at least the same amount of additions and ROCachedLabel but '+' didn't even appear in the spy result for ROLabel.

So I am somewhat disappointed and confused at the results. :)

The two implementations being compared...
ROLabel>>drawOn: aCanvas for: aROElement
    | str runner |
    self haltOnce.
    str := self textAdaptedFor: aROElement.
    runner := aROElement topLeft + ROPlatform current fontOrganizerClass offsetWhenDrawing.
    str linesDo: [ :line |
        aCanvas drawString: line at: runner color: (self colorFor: aROElement ).
        runner := runner + (0 @ (self heightOfString: line))  
which I modified to...
ROCachedLabel>>drawOn: aCanvas for: aROElement
    | runner |
    self haltOnce.
    cachedText ifNil:  "all cached variables are instance variables"
    [     cachedText := self textAdaptedFor: aROElement .
        cachedLines := OrderedCollection new.
        cachedText linesDo: [ :line | cachedLines add: { line . (0 @ (self heightOfString: line)) }  ].
        cachedColor := self colorFor: aROElement .
        cachedOffsetWhenDrawing := ROPlatform current fontOrganizerClass offsetWhenDrawing.
    runner := aROElement position + cachedOffsetWhenDrawing.
    cachedLines do:
    [    :cachedLineParts | | height2 |
        height2 :=  cachedLineParts second.
        aCanvas drawString: cachedLineParts first at: runner color: cachedColor.
        runner := runner + height2.

MessageTally results....
ROLabel - 4746 tallies, 4753 msec.
Process: (40s) 1047789568: nil
56.1% {2665ms} ROLabel(ROAbstractLabel)>>heightOfString:
  |55.4% {2631ms} primitives
31.5% {1497ms} ROPharoCanvas>>drawString:at:color:
  |31.0% {1475ms} FormCanvas(Canvas)>>drawString:at:font:color:
  |  31.0% {1474ms} FormCanvas>>drawString:from:to:at:font:color:
  |    30.2% {1434ms} StrikeFont>>displayString:on:from:to:at:kern:
  |      30.1% {1432ms} GrafPort(BitBlt)>>displayString:from:to:at:strikeFont:kern:
  |        30.1% {1431ms} GrafPort(BitBlt)>>basicDisplayString:from:to:at:strikeFont:kern:
  |          30.1% {1429ms} primitives
8.0% {380ms} ROElement>>topLeft
  8.0% {380ms} ROElement>>bounds
    7.9% {375ms} ROLabel(ROAbstractLabel)>>extentFor:
      7.8% {370ms} ROLabel(ROAbstractLabel)>>preferedExtentFor:
        7.1% {338ms} ROLabel(ROAbstractLabel)>>widthFor:
          6.4% {305ms} ROLabel(ROAbstractLabel)>>longestTextLineFor:
            6.1% {289ms} ROLabel(ROAbstractLabel)>>linesOf:
              2.6% {124ms} ByteString(SequenceableCollection)>>,
                |1.3% {62ms} ByteString(SequenceableCollection)>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
                |  |1.2% {55ms} ByteString class(String class)>>new:
                |1.3% {62ms} primitives
              2.2% {104ms} ByteString(SequenceableCollection)>>do:

55.5% {2636ms} ROLabel(ROAbstractLabel)>>heightOfString:
30.1% {1429ms} GrafPort(BitBlt)>>basicDisplayString:from:to:at:strikeFont:kern:
3.3% {156ms} ByteString(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
1.6% {76ms} ByteString class(String class)>>new:
1.6% {74ms} ByteString(SequenceableCollection)>>,

    old            +0 bytes
    young        +778,268 bytes
    used        +778,268 bytes
    free        -778,268 bytes

    full            0 totalling 0ms (0.0% uptime)
    incr        29 totalling 48ms (1.0% uptime), avg 2.0ms
    tenures        0
    root table    0 overflows

ROCachedLabel - 4541 tallies, 4546 msec.

Process: (40s)  570687488: nil
66.2% {3007ms} Point>>+
33.7% {1532ms} ROPharoCanvas>>drawString:at:color:
  33.4% {1517ms} FormCanvas(Canvas)>>drawString:at:font:color:
    33.3% {1515ms} FormCanvas>>drawString:from:to:at:font:color:
      32.6% {1484ms} StrikeFont>>displayString:on:from:to:at:kern:
        32.6% {1484ms} GrafPort(BitBlt)>>displayString:from:to:at:strikeFont:kern:
          32.6% {1484ms} GrafPort(BitBlt)>>basicDisplayString:from:to:at:strikeFont:kern:

66.3% {3013ms} Point>>+
32.6% {1484ms} GrafPort(BitBlt)>>basicDisplayString:from:to:at:strikeFont:kern:

    old            +0 bytes
    young        +811,308 bytes
    used        +811,308 bytes
    free        -811,308 bytes

    full            0 totalling 0ms (0.0% uptime)
    incr        6 totalling 9ms (0.0% uptime), avg 2.0ms
    tenures        0
    root table    0 overflows

regards -ben

Ben Coman wrote:
RODraggableWithVelocity can wait.  The problem is severe but not critical.  I 
solved that issue by bypassing it and implementing Part Two with Glamour having 
the option of using a virgin ROView without RODraggableVelocity - see Moose 
Issue 900.  I would be keen for you (or Vanessa or Doru) to take an hour to have 
a look at that, even if you don't integrate it into the main repository at this 
time.   It is really just refactoring rather than something innovative and would 
be good to have some feedback I can consider in relation to refining it. 

In relation to scalability, a recently noticed that it seems that ALL elements 
and edges get translated from virtualToReal (or is it the other way around) 
before being passed to the FormCanvas for clipping and I wonder if you could 
gain some speed by first clipping with the ROCamera viewport translated into 
virtual co-ordinates. 

Btw, could you enhance the comment in the methods #realToVirtualPoint and 
#virtualToRealPoint to more clearly describe what 'real' and 'virtual' .  I get 
a bit lost trying to work it out myself.

cheers -ben

Alexandre Bergel wrote:
> Scalability has been completely discarded so far. Even if it is difficult to make it right, we will get there on some point. 
> How severe is the problem you have faced? Can it wait until mid february or march ?
> Cheers,
> Alexandre
>> Part One
>> RODraggableWithVelocity seems to have a problem overshooting the drag distance with large numbers of elements. For example, referring to the next script, with RODraggable only, if I drag the view background sideways by a quarter-window-width, even though it takes a few seconds to respond to a drag, the final position of the elements is a quarter-window-width sideways. However with RODraggableWithVelocity, doing the same action, I observe the elements briefly appear a quarter-window-width sideways, then another quarter-window-width, then another until the elements disappear off the side of the window.  This behaviour disappears from this example by reducing to 1000 elements, but occurs in my application with only 100 elements (plus an equal number of edges).
>> -----
>> | rawView domain |
>> rawView := ROView new @ RODraggable  " @ RODraggableWithVelocity "  .
>> domain := 1 to: 10000.
>> domain do: [ :x | rawView add: (ROElement on: x) + (ROLabel) ].
>> ROVerticalLineLayout on: rawView elements.
>> rawView open
>> ----


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