Hi Milton, tx once again. It's really tempting to experiment with Pharo's/Roassal's live coding. May I ask concerning OO model (I'm not an expert, but want to learn):

I modified Your snippet slightly, to mark e.g. easter or a birthday. The code block [:d | ... ], handed over to "RTEllipse new color:" is executed for every day in a year; so for every day (365 times) it is checked if that day is easter (or a birthday ...). Would it be not more efficient to have an OO model that allows to receive such messages and execute them only >once<, similar to "mark: #easter with: Color red." or "mark collection of dates with Color red". Beyond that it seems to be necessary to construct the easter Date object 365 times as well, because year can only be derived from d within code block? But I guess there might be a workaround?

BR Markus

Week startDay: #Monday.

b := RTCalendarBuilder new.
b dateShape composite: [ :com |
com add: (RTEllipse new color: [ :d |
(d = Date today) | (d = (Date easterDateFor: d year)) | (d = (Date newDay: 12 month: #August year: d year))
ifTrue: [ Color blue trans ]
ifFalse: [Color transparent]]; size: 18).
com add: (RTLabel new text: [:d| d dayOfMonth];
color: [:d | (d dayOfWeek = 1)
ifTrue: [Color red]
ifFalse: [ Color black] ]) ].

b showDayNames.
b yearShape composite: [ :comp |
comp add: (RTLabel new text: [ :d | d year ]; height: 20 ).
comp add: (RTBox new color: [ Color blue alpha: 0.1 ]). ] .
b dates: Year current.
b build.
^ b view

On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 3:49 PM, Markus Böhm <markus.boehm@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Milton, Alexandre
tx for remembering, implementing and providing. I installed it and the calendar view looks really great. BR Markus 

On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 11:40 AM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:
Hi Markus,

Milton worked on the issue. With the last version of Roassal, can you try the following code?


| b |
Week startDay: #Monday.

b := RTCalendarBuilder new.
b dateShape composite: [ :com |
com add: (RTEllipse new color: [ :d |
d = Date today
ifTrue: [ Color blue trans ]
ifFalse: [Color transparent] ]; size: 18).
com add: (RTLabel new text: [:d| d dayOfMonth];
color: [:d | (d dayOfWeek = 1)
ifTrue: [Color red]
ifFalse: [ Color black ] ]) ].

b showDayNames.
b yearShape composite: [ :comp |
comp add: (RTLabel new text: [ :d | d year ]; height: 20 ).
comp add: (RTBox new color: [ Color blue alpha: 0.1 ]). ] .
b dates: Year current.
b build.
^ b view


It produces:

Let us know how it goes

Milton & Alexandre

On Apr 21, 2017, at 1:58 PM, Markus Böhm <markus.boehm@gmail.com> wrote:

May I ask: 

Roassal and Pharo are really fantastic. I’m trying to get a grip on it and use it. What makes me think:

In the introduction of the superb “Agile Visualization” book it is stated, that the Roassal OO approach allows for visualizations that are “easily extensible”. I guess compared to hand-crafted, imperative visualizations.

Let’s take an example: RTCalendarBuilder

I noticed that present visualization of week days start with Sunday as first day of week. E.g. in Europe/Germany weeks start on Monday (according ISO8601). We are visually so used to it, that other schemes make us think (not intuitive).

How could I modify this?

P.S.: Especially in calendrical visualizations there will be many (local) variations. So maybe it’s a good example to understand how to easily extend Roassal in above and similar topics as an interested user.

BR Mike

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