Hi, welcome to the community. While you are discovering Roassal, can you try to memorize moments where something didn’t work just because you didn’t know a simple rule? For example if you specify edges in a graph wilder before specifying nodes, the edges will not be added. To help people with this kind of problems I created a rule that detects if the “edges:” message is sent before the “nodes:” message, and warns about it. If you come up with more issue like the one I described, your project can be also to add Roassal-speciffec rules that help users to avoid mistakes while using Roassal.


On 3 Mar 2017, at 14:34, said yebbah <said.yebbah@hotmail.com> wrote:

We‘re a group of 3 students from a course with Stéphane Ducasse in university of Lille 1, 
and we’re beginners in Pharo and for the next 2 weeks we have to work on an open source project.
we choose Roassal project. So we would like to know what's the prupose of ideas that we've to do ?
In fact, in the moments we're at the point of discovering Roassal.  

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