2014-11-10 12:17 GMT+01:00 Natalia Tymchuk <natalia.tymchuk@unikernel.net>:
I’m trying to use Force based layout to position some elements. I expected to get the image like this.
Using this code http://ws.stfx.eu/LACEUL5X6K1S  I got something different and I don’t know why. 
It looks like all elements attract instead of repel each other. Does somebody know why it is like that?

Best regards,

Moose-dev mailing list

edge dirven layouts ignore the supplied edges, if the "userDefinedEdges" are set.
(maybe it should use
"    self userDefinedEdges isEmptyNil "
instead of
"    self userDefinedEdges isNil "
you can force the layout to use your edges with:

| builder |

builder := RTGraphBuilder new.

builder nodes shape: (RTEllipse new ).
builder edges
        connectTo: [ :c | c subclasses ];
        useInLayout;                                             "<<-----"
        shape: (RTLine new color: Color gray).
builder addAll: Boolean allSuperclasses, Boolean withAllSubclasses.

builder layout force.

builder build.
builder view