Correcting what I told...Hi,
You can probably save time and memory by directly passing the file
stream to the XMLParser:
stream := (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: aFilenameString) readStream.
root := (XMLDOMParser parse: stream) root.I follow your suggestion Tudor, but it didn't reduce the total time expended on reading of data or the reduction was minimal.A question: if you do you have a problem with the reading part (I mean
to compute the root), or is it spent in the follow up loops?I not understood well your question.
I was able to compute almost everything that I needed, but for some reason, some data are lost when I iterate on rootIn truth it can be correct, I messed up to interpret the data.
2012/3/9 Júlio Martins <[hidden email]>:> [hidden email]
> HI!
> I have a optimization problem to solve and I would want some hint of you.
> I am using the xml framework to work with data from xml file, and the
> reading of the data is consuming much time.
> In my code I do something as:
> | stream root |
> stream := (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: aPath) contentsOfEntireFile
> asString..
> root := (XMLDOMParser parse: stream) root.
> root allElementsNamed: 'something' do:[ :eachB|
> eachB attributeNodes attributeValueAt: 'list'
> ...
> eachB allElementsNamed: 'another something' do:{ :eachD|
> . eachD attributeNodes attributeValueAt: 'element'
> ..
> ]
> ]
> I know such iteration like that take much time to be executed when the file
> read is big. There is a another manner to read the data from xml file that
> consume less time as possible? Or have someone an idea to improve this code?
> Julio
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