Thank you Alex.

I was able to plot some nice Ebola cases very easily now:

tab := RTTabTable new input: (ZnEasy
get: '')
contents usingDelimiter: $,.
tab removeFirstRow.
tab replaceEmptyValuesWith: '0' inColumns: (2 to: 12) asArray.
tab convertColumnsAsInteger: (2 to: 12) asArray.
tab convertColumnAsDateAndTime: 1.
tab replaceZeroWithCumulativeValuesInColumns: (2 to:12) asArray.
data := tab values reversed.

minEntry := data minFor: #first.

b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 400@200.
b shape ellipse size:0.
b points: data.
b connectDotColor: Color blue.
b allY: [ :v | v at: 3 ].
b allX: [ :v | v first julianDayNumber - minEntry first julianDayNumber ].

b axisConfiguration 
labelRotation: -30;
labelConvertion: [ :v | (Date julianDayNumber: v + minEntry first julianDayNumber) ].
b axisX.

b resetAxisConfiguration.
b axisY.
b build.

lb := RTLegend2Builder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addText: 'Ebola cases'.
lb addColor: Color blue text: 'Guinea cases'.
lb build

Inline image 2

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 10:31 PM, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:

Here is a post that describe how to have dates on the X-axis. 
This has been a recurrent problem, which is why I would like to share it with you. 

Dates are particular values that requires an adequate control over what is being displayed on X-axis. The julianDayNumber converts a date into a number.

methods := RTObject withAllSubclasses flatCollect: #methods.
methods := methods reject: [ :m | m numberOfLinesOfCode > 150 ].
oldestMethod := methods minFor: #date.

b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 800 @ 200.
b shape circle size: 5; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.1).
b interaction popup.
b points: methods.
b allY: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
b allX: [ :m | m date julianDayNumber - oldestMethod date julianDayNumber ].

b axisConfiguration 
title: 'LOC'.
b axisY.
b axisConfiguration 
title: '';
labelRotation: -30;
numberOfTicks: 10;
numberOfLabels: 10;
labelConvertion: [ :v | (Date julianDayNumber: v + oldestMethod date julianDayNumber) ].
b axisX.

b build
Alexandre Bergel

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Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk