Yes it works!Thank you very much Andrei.GLMCompositePresentation implements a defensive strategy on the #pane getter and is surely not set correctly
2014-10-08 15:11 GMT+02:00 Andrei Chis <>:Using (morphPresentation pane port: 'filtered') or (aPresentation pane port: 'filtered') instead of (self pane port: 'filtered') should give you the desired behavior.Not sure exactly why using self does not work, but is surely has to do something with the the fact that glamour copies presentations a lot.Cheers,AndreiOn Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Guillaume Larcheveque <> wrote:Here is a really short example--2014-10-08 14:06 GMT+02:00 Andrei Chis <>:Hi,Do you have somewhere an entire example that shows the problem?I tried the examples below and it worked as expected. There could be other issues related to composite presentations.Are you using tabulators in your custom composite presentations?browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.browserrow: #selector;row: #graph.browser transmit to: #selector; andShow: [ :a |a listact: [ :presentation | (presentation pane port: #filtered) value: 10 ]entitled: 'populate' ].browser transmitfrom: #selector port: #filtered;to: #graph;andShow: [ :a |a text display: [ :x | x ] ].browser openOn: (1to:9)browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.innerBrowser := GLMTabulator new.innerBrowser row: #r1.innerBrowser transmit to: #r1; andShow: [ :a |a listact: [ :presentation | (presentation pane port: #filtered) value: 10 ]entitled: 'populate' ].innerBrowser transmit from:#r1 port:#filtered; toOutsidePort: #filtered.browserrow: #selector;row: #graph.browser transmit to: #selector; andShow: [ :a |a custom: innerBrowser ].browser transmitfrom: #selector port: #filtered;to: #graph;andShow: [ :a |a text display: [ :x | x ] ].browser openOn: (1to:9)On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Guillaume Larcheveque <> wrote:_______________________________________________Hello,Usman and I use glamour a lot to quickly create cool browsers.To capitalize some recurrent parts of our browsers, we create subclasses to GLMCompositePresentation and then use it that way:browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar....structure definition...browser transmit to: #selector; andShow: [ :a | a custom: (MyCustomPresentation new)].then we just have to implement the #compose method and everything is fine.But now i have to transmit data to something else (I want to create a filter that will receive a collection of entities and transmit only a subset of it to another presentation)I am using some morphs in this custom presentation and on some events I send:(self pane port: #filtered) value: self filterIn my browser i have a transmission like this:browser transmit from: #selector port: #filtered; to: #graph; andShow: [ :a | a list display: [ :list | list ] ].It doesn't work because the pane obtained in my custom presentation is not the one defined in my browser but another one named 'root'.Maybe i am not using it in the right way but i don't see another way to do it correctly (I would like to avoid to set the right pane in my presentation).Thanks in advance for your help.PS: I tried to look in the MooseBook but the server is down--
Guillaume Larcheveque
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