On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Chris Cunningham
<cunningham.cb@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck
<marianopeck@gmail.com> wrote:
> We can add it, but maybe it is redundant. Each Moose model exported with
> Fuel encodes the version and signature at the beginning of the stream. The
> signature is "FLMoose" and the version is the current version of
> FuelMooseExtension (right now it is 1.4 and I am proposing the new version
> 1.5). So if you try to import with a different version/signature, then an
> error is thrown.
> Is that enough?
Just curious, is the error thrown enough to tell us that the problem
is a wrong version, and which version we should be using to read the
verifyVersionFrom: aDecoder
| streamVersion |
streamVersion := aDecoder nextEncodedUint16.
(self version = streamVersion) ifFalse: [
signalCurrentVersion: self version
streamVersion: streamVersion ]
Imagine you have exported with 1.5 and you are now importing with 1.4 the message of the exception is:
'Unexpected stream version 15 where it should be 14.'