I have a question: The example made by Usman creates 3 edges. I expected 2. What is right solution? Is it responsibility of user or should I check it in method #rawEdgesToAll: and create just 2 edges?
Cheers,Jura2013/5/3 Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kubelka@gmail.com>
Hi,you are right, I am going to fix it.Cheers,Jura2013/5/3 Usman Bhatti <usman.bhatti@gmail.com>
_______________________________________________Alex,When using ROMondrianViewBuilder >> edgesToAll: the direction of the edges is reversed. For example, in the script below, I am telling Roassal to draw edges to 2 but its drawing edges from 2.Can you please confirm and correct, if need be.view := ROMondrianViewBuilder new.view shape rectangle size:20.view nodes: #(1 2 3).view shape arrowedLine color: Color red.view edgesToAll: #(2).view forceBasedLayout.view open.Usman
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