Secondly (and for my needs more importantly) RTResizeable (RTResizable) doesn't work with SVG.
I saw that RTSVGPath supports scale:, so maybe extent: could internally call scale: so it is uniform with other elements?

Do you have a short example we can play with?

|v e p|
v := RTView new.
p := 'M 1 0 Q 2 0 2 1 Q 2 2 1 2 Q 0 2 0 1 Q 0 0 1 0'.
e := RTSVGPath new path: p; scale: 10; element.
e @ RTResizeable.

v add: e.


However there is related issue that this is a path and not an actual SVG shape - so if the shape has visual border than it scales as well which is unwanted.
So for the moment I rest the case --- I can get back to it in the mid-summer.

I would much rather use SVG; now I have to make custom Trachel shapes and draw with Athens, or make crazy shape compositions.

We need to see this.
Creating trachel and roassal shapes is rather easy. Which shapes do you actually need?
For example we were making more arrow heads.

Or various icons that I've ended up using PNG/RTBitmap

​(this is also a good example related to composite shapes and resizing --- both the blue containers and shapes inside it are independently resizable.

But again, I have a working solution, so this is a more long-term plans discussion.
