Hi!,I want to present you RTCircularTreeMapBuilder a variation of RTTreeMapBuilder.For example to visualize the RTObject subclasses, type the next piece of code:.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=| b | b := RTCircularTreeMapBuilder new. b shape color: Color transparent; borderWidth: 1; borderColor: Color black; if: [ :cls | cls subclasses isEmpty ] fillColor: [ :cls| (Smalltalk includesKey: (cls name, 'Test') asSymbol) ifTrue: [ Color green ] ifFalse: [ Color purple ] ]. b baseradius: 200; weight: [ :cls | cls withAllSubclasses size]. b explore: RTObject using: #subclasses. b build. ^ b view.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=Another example in the file system..=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=| b dirSize |b := RTCircularTreeMapBuilder new.b shapecolor: Color transparent;borderWidth: 1;borderColor: Color white;if: [ :f | f isDirectory ] fillColor: Color transparent;if: [ :f | f isDirectory not ] fillColor: Color white.dirSize := nil.dirSize := [ :file | | size |file isDirectoryifTrue: [size := 0.file children do: [ :child | size := size + (dirSize value: child)].size isZero ifTrue: [ 1 ] ifFalse: [ size ] ]ifFalse: [ size := file size.size isNumber ifTrue: [ size ] ifFalse: [ 1 ] ] ].bbaseradius: 200;weight: [:file | file isDirectory ifTrue: [ dirSize value: file ] ifFalse: [ file size ] ].b explore: FileLocator home asFileReferenceusing: [:file | | children |[ children := file isDirectory ifTrue: [ file children ] ifFalse: [ #() ] ]on: Error do: [ children := #() ].children ] .b build.b view canvas color: Color black.b view.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=You can see the result in the next linkCheers,Milton
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