Thanks Doru.  That is close to what I need.

cheers -ben

Tudor Girba wrote:

You can use the ESMatrixDiagram available in EyeSee.

You can see some examples in ESExamples:


On Apr 7, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Ben Coman <> wrote:

Ben Coman wrote:
I have two sets of data X & Y, which for all combinations of (x@y) I calculate a third value z, which ends up represented as a collection of "points associated with a value eg (x@y)->z)."

I'd like to chart this as a heat map - very much like a Scatterplot but each point '(x@y)' has its pixel color dependent on 'z'.

Any ideas how to go about this with EyeSee ?

cheers -ben
Moose-dev mailing list

I worked this out.  Just for the archives, here it is...
where chartData is a collection of associations of the form (x@y)->z ...

      minCost := (chartData collect: [ :x | x value ]) min.
      maxCost := (chartData collect: [ :x | x value ]) max.
      costRange := maxCost - minCost.
      colorBlock := [ :z| | colorIndex | colorIndex := (((z- 1 - minCost) / (costRange )) * (colorChoices size) ) asInteger + 1 ] .

      colorChoices := ((Color green darkShades: 4) reverse allButLast: 1) asOrderedCollection . "Greater differentiation near optimum"
      colorChoices addAll: ((Color blue darkShades: 10) reverse allButLast: 3 ) asOrderedCollection .  "Remove blacks from the  middle"
      colorChoices addAll:   ( (Color red darkShades: 10) reverse ) asOrderedCollection. "Fade to black"
      colorDict := Dictionary keys: (1 to: colorChoices size) asOrderedCollection values: colorChoices.                            renderer compositeDiagram
          add: (costBenefitDiagram := ESScatterPlot new) .
                        costBenefitDiagram              models: chartData ;
          x: [ :data | data key x ] ;
          y: [ :data | data key y ] ;
          color:  [ :data | colorBlock value: data value ] ;  "data value is z"
          colorDict: colorDict ;
          valueAxis ;
          xAxisLabel: 'mm2' ;
          yAxisLabel: 'kW' ;
          rotatedLabels: true ;
          addXDecorator: ESValueLabelDecorator new .       
cheers -ben

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