We have 

Collection variableSubclass: #MooseGroupStorage
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Moose-Core'

MooseGroupStorage variableSubclass: #MooseGroupRuntimeStorage
instanceVariableNames: 'byName elements byType'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Moose-Core'

at: uniqueName ifAbsent: exceptionBlock 

| entity na | 
na := uniqueName asSymbol.
"look first by name and if not found"
entity := byName at: na ifAbsent: [nil]. 
entity notNil ifTrue: [^entity]. 
"iterates over all the elements"
entity := self 
detect: [:each | na == each mooseName asSymbol] 
ifNone: exceptionBlock. 
entity notNil ifTrue: [byName at: na put: entity]. 

Now I could not find where the byName dictionary is set.
Does anybody know?
