Hi guys :)

I'm still trying to understand the magic of Glamour, but as you guess, I've another misunderstood something ...

Here is my code :

transmit to: #three;
from: #one;
andShow: [:presentation |
title: 'Tree';
display: [:elt | dictionary := ((Checker wantedClasses:{elt}) compute ).
dictionary keys];
children: [:elt :x :level | level > 1
ifTrue: [#()]
ifFalse: [
(dictionary at: elt)]]];
format: [:set | self halt]]

Here is the example code :
browser transmit to: #namespaces; andShow: [ :a |
a tree
display: [ :model | model allNamespaces select: [ :each | each isRoot ] ];
children: [ :namespace | namespace childScopes ];
format: [ :namespace | namespace stubFormattedName ] ].
When I run my code i get 'MessageNotUnderstood: GLMTransmission>>format:'

I do not know why ...
