My suggestion is to give a bit more time to 4.8 and the underlying platform to mature. I dont know when you want to release 4.8 but I would do it in 2 months so that all the issues have been opened and closed and the beta version is tested and tried. The tools I develop are still running on 1.4 and we'll start moving them to 2.0. 

Yesterday, I noticed that putting a halt in the test code or in its path hangs pharo 2.0 image (I'll open a bug entry). I'm not sure if this is related to it:

But lets help make pharo 2.0 more stable before moving on.


On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 10:54 PM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:

Moose 4.8 works on Pharo 2.0. The only problem I noticed is that CMD+s does not work in the text areas anymore.

So, before we start doing major things (such as removing Mondrian, redoing EyeSee on top of Roassal, adding Athens support, adding Traits into FAMIX, or enhancing GToolkit), I have a little proposition.

After a bit more testing I would like to release 4.8, and then move Moose 5.0 to Pharo 3.0 as soon as possible.

Here is why:
- Moose can benefit from enhancements from Pharo, and we can only influence and contribute if we work closely with the Pharo latest version
- Moose should offer tools for Pharo development
- We are a small community that should work more closely together

What do you think?
(If you disagree, please also indicate the amount of effort you would like to invest in Moose in the near future)



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