The method  FAMIXPackage>>containedEntities for FamixDiff considers all kind of possible sub-entites: classes, global variables, package, functions

The method for Famix-Extension, just considers classes

So it seems our implementation is more generic ...

Further more it seems it is only used in FamixDiff, so I would suggest to commit our version to Famix-extension ...

Pb with TestResources packages should be corrected now


On 19/05/2014 11:34, Usman Bhatti wrote:

I am having a look why do we get several dirty packages because of FamixDiff. So, when I load FamixDiff in a fresh moose image, the following are marked as dirty so please have a look:

- FAMIX-Extensions: FamixDiff over-writes FAMIXPackage >>containedEntities
- FamixDiff deletes all test classes in packages: Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P2, Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P3, and Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P4.

Will be great if someone can have a look.


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