Very cool!
I have some small remarks but it's not that important.
- did you check how to use a multi-selection list widget (you select a bunch of items, then you press the >>> button to add them in the right pane)
- do you have a sample of query for selecting a package?
I tried with: each packageName match: 'Glamour*'
or each packageName startsWith: 'Glamour'
but all I get is an 'Invalid smalltalk expression' in the information pane (which is a very nice idea by the way, same as the info label 'select: [:each |')
On 9 nov. 2009, at 06:08, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:
It's done.
The error was in the package 'Merlin', so I have save a new version of this one in the squeaksource repository 'Merlin'.
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