Thanks Christophe!


I just tried to change to in the job config and it is working now… Do you know if something changed on vm side? (I do not think that is a lib problem actually…)




De : Christophe Demarey []
Envoyé : mercredi 11 janvier 2017 10:51
À : Blondeau Vincent
Cc : Moose-related development
Objet : Re: Did someone know how to install the libs on a slave of the Moose CI?


Hi Vincent,


Le 11 janv. 2017 à 10:29, Blondeau Vincent <> a écrit :


Because it seems that the x32 libs are not installed :




You need to have admin or slave admin role for the moose project.

 And that the Ubuntu node is down:


everything looks ok now


BTW, can we upgrade the Jenkins to the next version?


I just updated it to the latest 1.x version (2.x support will come soon but needs more testing)

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