Ok. I removed it now. Thanks for pushing this.

For reference, you can still download an EyeSee like this:

Gofer new 
smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'EyeSee';

And you can depend on it in your own configs like this:

spec project: 'EyeSee' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfEyeSee';
file: 'ConfigurationOfEyeSee';
version: #development;
repository: 'http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Moose/EyeSee/main' ].


On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
EyeSee has to go away completely. I cleaned all dependencies from the Moose code, and we should be ready to remove it from the default configuration (and from Glamour).


On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 9:40 AM, stepharo <stepharo@free.fr> wrote:
I'm starting to check the validation of the configurations and I will share that with you.

| list errors conf |
conf := ConfigurationOfEyeSee.
errors := OrderedCollection new.
        list := MetacelloToolBox validateConfiguration: conf.
        list do: [ :warning |
            warning isCritical ifTrue:[errors add:  conf -> warning ]]

an OrderedCollection(Critical Warning: No version specified for the package 'EyeSee-Events' in version '' { noVersionSpecified } [ #validateVersionSpec: ] Critical Warning: No version specified for the package 'EyeSee-Axis' in version '' { noVersionSpecified } [ #validateVersionSpec: ] Critical Warning: No version specified for the package 'EyeSee-Tests-Core' in version '' { noVersionSpecified } [ #validateVersionSpec: ] Critical Warning: No version specified for the package 'EyeSee-Support' in version '' { noVersionSpecified } [ #validateVersionSpec: ] Critical Warning: No version specified for the package 'EyeSee-Core' in version '' { noVersionSpecified } [ #validateVersionSpec: ] Warning: Symbolic version #development refers to a version'1.1-baseline' whose blessing #baseline is not #development { notDevelopmentVersion } [ #validateVersionSpecForSymbolicVersion:symbolicVersion: ])
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