The problem here is that you are mixing Mondrian code and Roassal code. It is like putting some C or Assembly code in your Java code. You can do it, but you need to know exactly what’s going on.

Without Mondrian, you can have:
| v e1 e2 l lbl |
v := ROView new.
e1 := (ROBox new size: 30) element.
e2 := (ROBox new size: 30) element.
l := ROLine elementFrom: e1 to: e2.

lbl := (ROLabel text: 'hello world') element.
ROConstraint stick: lbl between: e1 and: e2. "locate the label between 2 nodes"

e1 @ RODraggable.
e2 @ RODraggable.

v add: e1; add: e2; add: l; add: lbl.
v open

If you really wish to stick to Mondrian, you can do:

| b |
b:= ROMondrianViewBuilder new.
b shape circle size: 30.
b nodes: #(1 2).

b edgeFromAssociation: 1 -> 2.
b open.

b view edges do: [ :edge | 
| lbl |
lbl := (ROLabel text: 'hello world') element.
b view add: lbl.
ROConstraint stick: lbl between: edge from and: edge to.


On Jan 30, 2014, at 6:51 AM, Vincent Blondeau <> wrote:

Le 29/01/2014 11:49, Alexandre Bergel a écrit :
Vincent, did it work?
Not really...

The code I use is :

    //Node and edges creation
    view shape label centeredLabel. 
    labelNode := view node: 'Hello'. "create the label I want between (it's for the example)"
    ROConstraint stick: labelNode between: view edges first from and: view edges first to. "locate the label between 2 nodes"
    view treeLayout.
    view open

A text "hello" is displayed but at the begining, the text is misplaced :
<Mail Attachment.txt>
If I move one of the nodes linked to the edge, the text moves to the right location (the picture at the bottom, shows what  I want to do :) )
<Mail Attachment.txt>
 But the text doesn't stay on the edge but it's between the left sides of the nodes...

<Mail Attachment.txt>
Do I use the right method and the right arguments ?

Thanks for helping !



On 24 Jan 2014, at 07:11, Vincent Blondeau <>


I use Roassal to visualize a FAST AST as a kind of UML diagram.
Each node on Roassal is a node of the AST and the edges shows the parent link.
That's work fine and it's very easy to do it ! Thanks !

But I would like to add some text on the edges to know what are the instance variables containing the children nodes.

I saw the examples and there's not a such functionality.

Is it possible to add it ?

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Alexandre Bergel