Hi guysI’m coding an importer for moose to import metrics computed from other tools.Now I created would like to see the imported metrics on FAMIX class.So I addedFAMIXClass >> TR_LCOM<MSEProperty: #TR_LCOM type: #Number><MSEComment: 'lack of cohesion in methods from XX tools'><derived>^ self propertyNamed: #TR_LCOMand in my importercreateFamixClassFor: aCollection"aCollection in the form Name values* following the tag pattern"| aClass |aClass := FAMIXClass new.aClass name: (aCollection first replaceAll: Character space with: $_).self tags allButFirstwithIndexDo: [ :t :i | aClass propertyNamed: 'TR_' , t put: (aCollection at: i + 1) asNumber ].self targetModel add: aClass.^ aClasstestExtendedFAMIX| importer fmClass |importer := ThreImporter on: self streamExample.importer import.fmClass := importer createFamixClassFor: importer importedArray second.self assert: fmClass name = 'Messages'.self assert: (fmClass propertyNamed: 'TR_LoC') equals: 67.self assert: fmClass TR_LCOM equals: 67.self halt.Two questions:- why I do not see the metrics in the imported famix class? Is there a cache for the metadescription.- How do I add a Model to the UI? so that we can browse from the Moose Panel?TxBTW I have to see because I do not get the email in my mailbox.-------------------------------------------- Stéphane Ducasse03 59 35 87 52Assistant: Julie JonasFAX 03 59 57 78 50TEL 03 59 35 86 16S. Ducasse - Inria40, avenue Halley,Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park PlazaVilleneuve d'Ascq 59650France
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