Thanks, Alex.

Best regards,

On 21 Apr 2015, at 22:21, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:

Hi Natalia,

The method buildEdgesFromObjects: is deprecated. This is not your fault, it was not indicated. I have renamed the method category that contains it.

Instead, you should use RTEdgeBuilder. Here is an example:
col:= 1 to: 10.
v := RTView new.
el:= RTBox elementsOn: col.
v add: el.
RTGridLayout on: el.

lb := RTEdgeBuilder new.
lb view: v.
lb objects: col. 
lb moveBehind.
lb shape line color: Color red.
lb connectFrom: #yourself to: [ :num | num * 2 ].


Regarding your script, it was nearly correct. You should not do “edge shape color: Color red”, instead you should use trachelShape, as in:

col:= 1 to: 10.
v := RTView new.
el:= RTBox elementsOn: col.
v add: el.
RTGridLayout on: el.
buildEdgesFromObjects: col 
from: #yourself
to: [ :num | num * 2 ]
inView: v.
lines do: [ :edge | edge trachelShape color: Color red ]. 
I know, this is not really intuitive. 

Alexandre Bergel

On Apr 21, 2015, at 4:44 PM, Natalia Tymchuk <> wrote:

using #buildEdgesFromObjects:, I want to get red edges

but, I'm getting the edges with grey color.
<Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 21.37.41.png>
If it’s bug, can someone fix it please; if not - what am I doing wrong?

Kind regards,