Hi Alexandre,
Thanks for looking into this.
When I do QsSystemViewer for: 'Zinc' now, I get an error that padding is nil of a ROFixedSizedParent instance I'm using when drawing a layout.
I fixed that by changing:
visualRepresentationOfChildNode resizeStrategy: ROFixedSizedParent instance.
visualRepresentationOfChildNode resizeStrategy: (ROFixedSizedParent instance paddingGap: 0).
But that is not very nice, I think. Wouldn't it make sense to have some default values in place? Or to allow a nil value and interpret it as 0@0?
After I fixed that, the next bug appeared, again the same thing with padding being nil, but this time when creating a ROPopup.
ROPopup:createElement is called, but then in
ROElement:addedInAnElement: el
self translateBy: el topLeft negated.
self translateBy: el resizeStrategy padding.
self parent: el; view: el view.
el addElement: self.
el adjustSizeIfNecessary
The padding is again nil for resizeStrategy. For ROPopup ROExtensibleParent is used.
I think there should be some check: if padding is nil or 0@0, no translation should be attempted. What do you think?
Also a related question:
I saw that ROFixedSizeParent was changed in the ROTreemapLayout to ROPermissiveParent: What is the difference between the two? When should one be used and when the other?