Right now 'Untitled' is kind of hardcoded.
We should make it configurable.


On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 12:48 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <offray@riseup.net> wrote:

Because Pharo 4 is getting closer and I can see already improvements on shortcuts (Ctrl and Alt are switched finally and we have consistent behaviour between apps in Linux), I'm moving to moose 5.1 as my base platform for the development of grafoscopio. So far, so good, but I would like some of the behaviours on 5.0 back on 5.1, like the way to embed playgrounds with named nodes.

So here is the screenshot of grafoscopio with a code type node open inside an interactive document running on Moose 5.0:


And here is the same interactive document open on Moose 5.1:


As you can see, in the first screenshot, the playground takes the same name of the node that is storing its contents, while the second one has just "Untitled" as title.

My code for embedding playgrounds is

GrafoscopioBrowser>>bodyForCodeIn: constructor for: aNode
        "Shows the body of a node as an interactive playground. If node is not tagged it will return itself,
         so it can be rendered properly for other messages"
        | innerBrowser |
        aNode tags = 'código'   
                ifFalse: [^self].
        innerBrowser := GTPlayground new.       
        constructor custom: innerBrowser.

How the code needs to be changed so I can get named playgrounds as was happening with 5.0.

Cheers and keep the good work.


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