I got the same thing with windows, the method is not implemented. If you are on Mac, do it: 
    ^ true 
for the moment.

It looks like the NBOpenGL's version used by SourceCity is broken. 
The past year it worked.

I will check which NBOpenGL's version we should use.

2013/6/3 Diego Lont <diego.lont@delware.nl>

I tried to start source city, loaded it into a moose 4.8 image, on my Mac (OS X 10.7.5) and got the following error:

MessageNotUnderstood: NativeBoostConstants class>>mac32PlaformId. From the method:

                "obviously, for Mac intel-32 only :)"
                ^ NativeBoost platformId = NativeBoostConstants mac32PlaformId

Is this something I should ask you to fix? Because I have the feeling there are more problems with NBOpenGL on Pharo 2.0. Because when I fix it into mac32PlatformId it crashed on a unknown class NBCallFailureHandler in the method:
NBMacGlAPI>>glApiCall: fnSpec index: fnIndex attributes: attributes context: contextToRetry

                (NBCallFailureHandler for: contextToRetry) retryWith: [ :targetClass :targetMethod |

or does this mean I should get my OpenGL from a different place the squeak source (where source city points to)


> Hmm,
> What combination of configurations, images , vm, plugins is supposed to work?
> cairo install through port is broken on 10.6.8 with xcode 4.0.2, glib2 won't compile.
> I'm not very happy with package management on mac, btw. Brew interferes with
> port...
> Stephan
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