On 07 Nov 2011, at 13:15, Martin Dias wrote:

2) For large graphs, I would like to show them lazily, maybe drawing some expandable nodes (+). Do you understand what I mean? Is that possible?

Yes, you can do something like this: you can dynamically change the contents of a node, like what I do in AspectMaps. It is a bit convoluted, below is the code that works for me.

aView forNode: <thenode> do: <a block that draws the new visualisation>.
aView root allEdgesDo: #resetCache; applyLayout.
aView updateWindow.

If you want to see it in action http://pleiad.cl/aspectmaps ;-) (There are screencasts, and even a one-click image for you to try if you want to experiment with the feature). There are some examples in the MOEasel that do similar things, so have a look there as well.

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Johan Fabry   
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile