Hi :),
Comments inlined below
El 04/12/14 a las 09:48, Tudor Girba escribió:
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaihess@web.de
<mailto:nicolaihess@web.de>> wrote:
The real problems might be,
- how to access the list, that is used by the left presentation and
Why do you need that? You typically need something from that list and if you
need that you pass it along in the transmission.
Any transmission can have multiple from: clauses specified and in doing so you
get the values of those ports in the block.
Well I need particular values on the list. So this part is almost solved.
- how to access the selected *index* of the list, so he can do a at:put: on
that data
That is not possible.
For the moment I'm thinking in 'indexOf: value' and then replacing the current selection with "at: put:" using that result. Once I have this two instructions I would like to update the selected value on the list with the current textPresentation value in a similar way to what is done with the Transcript. This is a workaround for the direct writing of values in list/trees inside GT Moose, but I think that this could work. I would make some test about this idea and keep you posted.
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