Hello all,
I successfully extracted all the informationr related to all the classes in the system but when I visualize these classes in the "Spaced System Complexity" in MOOSE, all my classes which are parent or so-called "root" classes of the system appear to inherit from the "Object" class of .NET Framework. This is ok since if a class doesn't have a parent, I assign it to inherit from object and whose stub parameter is set to true.
What really bothers me is that inheritance from the Object class should be implicit in the visualization to emphasize the existance of lone classes or classes without any hierarchy (therefore absence of encapsulation and abstraction). But the relation with the object is explicit, that is, all the classes are shown to inherit from the object class in the visualization. I am attaching a screenshot of the visualization. Can someone please point where I am getting it wrong?
Secondly, how do I represent the enumerated types present in the system? .NET framework considers them as classes so they are reported as classes.
P.S if the screenshot is not readable, then the topmost class of all classes is System.Object