Hi julio,
From merlin side, I think you are not able yet to specify the size of a panel. But in glamour (at least for the morphic rendering) you can send to a browser:
initialExtent: 300@300 (for example)
So in your script, when you call your glamour wizard, you could have something like:
myMerlinWizard glamourWizard initialExtent: 300@300; yourself.
Then for the communication between the different panel, you will do it throught merlin. In merlin, each 'part' that you add in a panel is associated to an output key:
merlinFirstPane row: merlinFirstPanePart associatedTo: #key
You can then retrieve the output of this part in a second pane if you specify that your part require it.
merlinSecondPanePart defaultValue: [:requiredInputs | (requiredInputs at: #key) ... ]
merlinSecondPane row: merlinSecondPanePart requiring: #key
This allow you specify a default value (default selection) of a part according the value returned by anorther part.
Is it what you are looking for ?
If you want want to do more than setting the default value/selection of a part, merlin provide for now a 'hacky' way to do nearly everything you want when the selected value (/output) of a part change. Each merlin part should understand the message 'callback:', in which you specify a block that will be executed when the selected value (/output) of this part change. For example you could have:
callback: [:outputValue | merlinSecondPanePart doSomethingWithTheOutputValue ... ];
Does it help you more ?
2011/12/13 Júlio Martins
Hi Cyrille!
Yes it served me good!
I have now two things taht I want to do: first, I need reduce the size of my panel. When it started by menu, it gets larger then needed, so how i can modify the size of this panel? Second, I need too provide a communication between myPanel and aonther panel, in other words, I want pass a parameter that is informed into myPanel to anotherPanel, how I can do it?
Thanks in advance!
> On Dec 5, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:
>> There should be the class 'MerlinExamples' with a set of examples on the class side.
>> There is also an extension to render merlin wizards with Glamour: the package MerlinGlamour at
>> Once MerlinGlamour loaded, you could do something like:
>> myGlamourBrowser
>> spawn: [ myMerlinWizard glamourWizard ] entitled: 'my menu title'.
>> It looks like what you want to do (?)
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Cyrille Delaunay