Thanks Alex,
I did not finished reading the chapter about RTBuilder yet. But regardless of the GraphET2 scope, having a pie diagram builder is important for Pharo (I don't know the status of PieChartMorph but I will check).
I have tried two different directions. One is adding a RTLabel to each sector shape in #getElementsFromModels
label := RTLabel new text: model key.
shape := shape + label.
| diag |
diag := GET2DiagramBuilder new.
(diag pieDiagram)
function: #value;
models: {'A' -> 30 . 'B' -> 10 . 'C' -> 20 . 'D' -> 40};
color: [ Color random ].
^ diag open.
but none of them positions the labels nicely. If anyone wants to comment would be very welcome :)